Arguments Against Vasectomy

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A vasectomy is a procedure that is the most effective and permanent form of male sterilization. It is more cost effective, less invasive, and has a much lower rate of postoperative complications than the female sterilization of tubal ligation. To be able to answer the question as to if a vasectomy is or is not the right choice for family planning, many factors must be considered. These factors include, but are not limited to, the male’s knowledge base of the actual procedure, the number of children the male already has (is his family complete), personal and religious beliefs, gender equality, and the understanding of the risk factors which may be associated with the vasectomy procedure. Furthermore, it is important for a male to explore every factor important to him to decide if a vasectomy is a right choice to assist with his family planning needs. Though many may argue the prevalent risks regarding a vasectomy, it is proven through medical research that a vasectomy is …show more content…

He will need to decide if this decision aligns within his personal beliefs and possibly his religious beliefs. Since this is, in most cases, an elective procedure resulting in permanent sterilization, only the individual male can determine if it is morally and ethically the correct choice. “The results of the study show that the research informants chose to do a vasectomy because from the point of view of their religion vasectomy is not forbidden. However, some were not aware of how their religion regulates vasectomy. There were even some informants stating that they knew vasectomy is forbidden, but they still chose to perform it” (Adams et al., 2015, p. 208). A male may want to discuss the option of a vasectomy with a number of important people in his life to help reach a final decision before undergoing such a permanent and life-altering

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