Arguments Against Tattoo Discrimination In The Workplace

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Tattoo discrimination in the workplace should not be allowed because it should not matter if you have tattoos or not. There are negative stereotypes associated with tattoos. People believe that simply having a tattoo makes someone a bad person. “...Studies reflect negative biases against individuals with tattoos which include assumptions that they are less intelligent and attractive, and more rebellious.” (Kennedy) Some people who have tattoos have reasons why they have them. Rebecca Keith made the following comment: “Judge my skills, not my skin.” (Keith) Employers should take into consideration when hiring that tattoos are just a part of the new generation. Tattoos are discriminated against by many employers because they think that tattoos are unprofessional. Some tattoos are discriminated against because of where they are placed on the body. If a tattoo is on the face of the employee, I understand employers thinking that it is unprofessional. People still should not discriminate against someone in the workplace just because they have tattoos. …show more content…

I believe some states should have laws to protect them against discrimination. The percentage of tattooed adults in the US is 42% and rising. Considering they’re a form of personal expression which should technically be protected by the First Amendment, proponents of tattoos find it odd that they’re not federally protected in the workplace. You may be denied a healthcare job opportunity if the employer believes your tattoos violates their internal appearance policies. Yet a large portion of hospital personal have ink, which indicates that appearance rules are usually flexible (American Institute of Medical Sciences &

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