Arguments Against Drones

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The purpose of this paper it to analyze the different circumstances where drone use in warfare and the civilian casualties will be morally permissible. The order in which this research is presented will be set in order of importance: first, context consideration of the morality of the issue of drone use, second, it so discuss the basis of advocacy of one moral stance over the other, third, to assess the relative strength of arguments for and against the issue, and lastly, the analysis of the United States governments justifications for the use of drones during wartime. The United States has become increasingly dependent upon drones to carryout not only surveillance but warfare altogether. According to Peter Bergman and Katherine Tiedemann …show more content…

Many, if not all, drone strikes take place in middle eastern countries where the united stats has not declared war against a foreign state, but has instead agreed with the government to root out these terrorists. The defense that the United States offers in order to try and defend is a peculiar one, rather than say it is targeting a nation, they say it is targeting a small group of people on the ground. Allowing a justification for a possible domestic attack to allow the use of these drones to attack the root of the problem. Thus, the Geneva accords no longer apply and the rules of formal war also no longer apply. While this loophole is true and will continue to be true until enough people have made their opinions heard not only by the executives of the country, but those countries have to unite and take a stand against the United States and demand that these types of attacks stop on their soil. The CIA’s lethal drone strikes are at their most morally objectionable when they do not even know the identities of the people that they are killing. A fact which is obscures by applying the term “militant” to all military age males that are killed as a result of the strikes. This term is applied so loosely that it is quite scary, knowing that a country could label you son or daughter as a terrorist when in face you knew they were not and you can not do …show more content…

Yet, as with domestic law, there is no conflict between two formal states, such as the United States versus the Russian Federation. Also, most drone strikes are carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency, which is a civilian organization and considered a non combatant with its international recognition. It is also governed differently from the standard United States military agencies which make the CIA illegal operatives of drones. However, the CIA continues these operations to this day without any regard to public disposition. Newer war doctrines such as the Geneva Accords [Revision 2012] now include drone warfare as a method of cyber warfare and is not considered a “direct act of war”. Allowing the CIA to continue its campaign of drone strikes against countries that the United States is not at war with but is considered to harbor terrorists and that they pose a threat to global peace. According to the article “Wanted: Global Rules on Cyberwarfare”, “The United Nations and other global bodies need to make such riles clear” (1). It is one thing to justify a drone strike and the casualties that come with it, but it is an entirely different thing to try and uphold a law that was never written and apply it to an international community who it could not even apply to because they do not have the same capabilities as the United States when it comes to

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