Arguments Against Abortion

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Abortion is a highly debated topic in many circles around the world. One where both sides can be considered truthful and strong. The article “Abortion and Rights” takes that stance that abortion should be prohibited and laws should exist to stop it in most cases. The article cites; Abortion goes against the fundamentals of human rights, fetuses are also human and should be treated as such, many woman part-take in abortion as a quality of life action which is not humane and finally allowing the act of abortions runs us the risk of treating people with disabilities and such as lesser in society. The author’s premises do hold ground in the debated but as presented in the article have flaws which leads to weakness in the overall argument which …show more content…

One of these claims are the statement that because abortion deny the right of the fetus, the fundamentals of are Political and legal systems are being undermined and “destroying any reason we have any rights”. This claim is made because are modern systems are based on the notion “that we are the children of god and thus we must all be protected by a carful system of rights”. However this is does not accurately acknowledge the fact that although many systems to have bases in religious practices of the past, they have been since changed and removed from their religious origin. Additionally, due to this stepping away from this by allowing acts such as abortion denying rights to a fetus does not mean we have “weakened” are system and removed bases for anyone to have rights, but can also mean that we have let are system grow through adaptation to modern …show more content…

The claims she is making are true but we must be clear that a Child and fetus are not the same thing and that the rights given to the unborn are also rights given to them which take effect once they are born such as inheritance is given to a child once born. She goes on to claim that there are cases in which abortion can be considered ok, such as when the life of the mother is in danger, or in the case of rape, but the amount of cases of abortion are far too high for all cases to before this reason and that many are quality of life choices. This point is one which I do agree with, but not in the same fashion, the author compares the United States Legal system with the Canadian on a focus on “red tape” and the lack of it. However increasing the amount of work one must part-take does no good for anyone as it only increases the trauma for rape victims and those with health risks, but doesn’t stop those who want quality of life abortions. We must instead educate people that abortions are an option but this does not mean you

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