Argumentative essay: Random Drug Testing

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Drug abuse is a sensitive subject to deal with as it always relates to health, well-being and even lives of human beings belonging to any country. Many people are against mandatory drug testing because they see it as a violation of the Constitution. Having the right to reject unnecessary checking and searches is the Fourth Amendment in the American constitution, otherwise known as a person's right to privacy. However, company employers have to ensure the quality of the employees and the safety for all members. They have the right to know whether or not the people working under them are stable to do their jobs.
Allowing drug testing has triggered quite a rampage. Supporters of the argument claim that employers have every right to expect their workers to be sober on the job, especially when safety and security are on the line. On the other hand, the opposing team, argue that testing positive may not necessarily mean that the employee was intoxicated while working. All it proves is that they are likely to put a buzz on, someplace, sometime. So they all mean that randomly drug testing may interfere the employee`s personal life which is not really necessary to maintain his/her job safely. This kind of behavior may result to unhealthy relationship between the employers and employees.
However, drug addiction is a serious and difficult illness which many people do not become aware of until it is too late. People who do drugs have many things they share in common though the reasons might defer. A very common characteristic is unreliability; which can be seen when diagnosing someone with a drug addiction problem, and depression. Drug users suffer a state that degrades a person's state of life and causes a loss of interest in...

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...fere with employee’s private life; however, having it is a necessity for the safety of the job. Employers have rights to check up their employees because drug consumption is widely distributed and has many negative effects on people`s daily life which work is one of them. It is only logical that they have the right to know whether or not their employees are capable of doing something that could hurt their company or the people who use their services, or whether they just wouldn't be productive enough to produce an acceptable quality of work. Sometimes we can do things which we do not prefer but because of the importance of situations may force ourselves to do them.

Works Cited

Danny, Michael. Drug Warriors. London: London press,2009.
Terry, Steve. Employments Drug. New York: Macmillan,2007.
Wilson, John. Against To The Drug Addiction. Los Angeles: Penguin,2005.

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