Argumentative Essay: The Role Of Racism In Public Schools

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A great man once said "This nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds...on the principle that all men were created equal." and that great man was John F. Kennedy. What can be done to lessen racism in our school? Despite the progress that has been made since the Civil Rights movement, racism still exists today in Minot, North Dakota in this very school. It’s been here since the very beginning…
Racism has no date of creation because no one knows where it originated from. Most believe it’s the aftermath of capitalism. That it grew out of early capitalism’s use of slaves for the plantations of the New World. It was combined in order to justify different cultures in the world and is still a big issue today in the world.
Today’s effects of racism are very potent. As pointed out in a PBS informative essay, “Age doesn’t matter, the general description of racial change is that it occurs through generations. Old racists die out, and new, younger, growing people take their place. This description is unreliable, age lets us know far less about someone's probability of expressing racist statements than elements like education, origin and race.
Here are some of the problems I see in school. First off my peers or anyone …show more content…

We should have classes on the history of minorities and the current events for said minorities, switch up teachers when a student sees a certain pattern in the teaching pattern, more awareness on bullying and racism in the community, teachers staying engaged, remain morally, emotionally, intellectually, and socially involved in the dialogue. No one likes to be ignored or talked to like a child, Students be more open to friends from different cultures and don’t act like five year old when you are given information that was shared with you for a reason. “You don't fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.” -Bobby

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