Argumentative Essay: The Lack Of Organ Donor

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“In the United States alone, 21 people die everyday awaiting an organ transplant”(Wen, par. 3). The medical community has begun to pose questions in order to help those needing organ transplants. How can the number of donors be expanded to insure a decrease in the lack of organ donations? Should the United States implement policies to make everyone an organ donor by default? Many health professionals have agreed that making everyone an organ donor by default would save the lives of thousands of people. The debate of how to reach and encourage more people to donate is pot which is slowly coming to a boil and needs to be neutralized before it froths over the rim.
Many individuals often ask why there is a lack of organ donors. Lack of education …show more content…

According to an article posted by Live Science, Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs received a liver transplant in Tennessee due to a lack of donors in California (“Declining” par 7). Research has shown a slow decline in the number of living donors as well as a decline in people opting to donate upon death. Though many people do claim to support organ transplants, many do not opt to donate. Some individuals have the information that is necessary to make an informed decision of whether or not they would like to donate their organs but, choose not to due to religious reasons. Religion is often seen as a repeat subject as to why people do not want to donate. When it comes to organ transplants religion and science are definitely pinned up in a head to head …show more content…

American society is witnessing the effects of a lack of organ donors. The current policies of organ donations are obviously not working so something needs to change. Investing in more education may help more people give the gift of life. However, some individuals may have all the educational tools to make an informed decision of whether or not they would like to donate their organs and still decline the option to donate. Xenotransplantation has made groundbreaking advances. However, these advances are being brought into question. Is it morally incorrect to transplant animal organs into human recipients. Xenotransplantation could also have consequences scientists are not yet aware of. There are too many questions left unanswered leaving one to wonder if xenotransplantation is the best solution. It something of sciene fiction. Donor by default would be the best solution to implement because it is both the quickest and simplest of all. Time is something people awaiting an organ transplant simply do not have. The opt-out option would still be available to people who simply do not want to donate making this solution not violate any human rights. No matter what an individual believes is the solution to the lack of organ donors, it is apparent American society has a problem and solutions are needed soon. Until there is a change in the system, individuals should opt-in to

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