Argumentative Essay: The Issue Of Educational Debt

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The issue on education debt are bigger than we think it is. The problems has been debated and it’s unsolved. Cities school are facing this problem while some school in suburban area has never heard of these issues. Reading the article on “what school funding debates ignore,” the author argue that problems with education gap cannot be solved with money alone. However funding low performance school at least gives equal resources. Schneider the author provide example and action some states are taking to solve the problems. School Funders should focus on equity than equality.
Urban schools require more funding than their neighbor suburban schools. There are claims for lack of support for city schools. In this case equal inputs will not produce equal outcomes, with educational debt. Not every students started at the same level therefore some students require more than others. Schneider stated that history, racial distragramation, and students with low income families has an effect on this. These families usually lives in rural areas. Where schooling needs more support than rich neighborhood schools. There’s too much problems for money alone can …show more content…

Educational debts is what the teachers, school, community, etc. owns the students to help them be successful in school. An example Schreider used in the article was how school are starting to use different school funding formula to help students academics. An example they give was how New Jersey and Massachusetts target funding base on “basis of students needs.” The author point out the fact that “producing equal outcomes requires more resources for some kids than others.” This fact really stood out to be in a positive way. Not every students learn the same way, some students are slow learner. In cases like this schools need to provide special education such as ELL or ESL, however this will cost more but it will give those students equal resources and

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