Argumentative Essay: The Banning Of Assault Weapons

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According to the creation of the law to our second amendment saying when we bear arms we are physically carrying a weapon which protects our ownership for guns, but reducing assault rifles won’t decrease gun crime or deaths due to the impact of the effect on gun control laws and the usage of other bloodshed weapons. The capability of these weapons through the eyes of many people are thought to be used the same ways as a machine gun, yet most people believe these weapons are qualified to shoot multiple rounds within a single pull from the trigger. Again, assault rifles aren’t necessarily used in gun crimes which indicates this weapon to have a low percentage on any mass shootings than the percentage of gun homicide, for deducting assault weapons …show more content…

So, it will not be a victory, more of a defeat and a seen deficiency in the American civilization in Europe. Banning assault-style weapons will not end the mass shootings conflict---It could make it even worse. If you think of banning assault-style weapons, “It’s not the answer to mass killings. It’s not even “an” answer. It is, however, an infringement on individual liberty, and it’s one that a majority of American voters will not tolerate.” (National Review, 1) No matter what pros banning assault weapons--there is very little---can beat the cons of having a ban on assault-style weapons. It can be a hazardous decision to make, not to mention the possibility of a larger mass shootings rate to beat all mass shootings rate in a year, in one month alone. Therefore, banning guns will be less than useful as asking a cat for a ball of yarn. It doesn’t matter what kind of gun you want to ban, the only thing that matters is who handles the gun. If there were a part of a gun to banned, larger capacity gun magazines are more lethal than the gun, because it holds more ammo and can cause more injury and death. Banning assault rifles will do no good for the States, it will cause more shootings, violence, and

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