Argumentative Essay Smoking

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Secondarily, smoking cigarettes give the people some unique sensation and pleasure to the body that makes them keep wanting more. There are many people argued that cigarette smoking is helpful to people and that those also have the advantages for smoking it. Cigarette contains some substance that made people feel good because it stimulates their mood and help them relax. Boughton proclaims in her article “Smoking” that “... nicotine can act as either a stimulant or tranquilizer, which explains why some people report that smoking gives them energy and stimulates their mental activity, while others note that smoking relieves anxiety and relaxes them” (2090). So, people are craving for cigarettes because it has something to offer for their body. It contains an ingredient in it that help them be calm and away from any kinds of stress and emotional problems.

Some of the people claim that cigarette keeps them happy because it gives them company when they are depressed or bored. Whenever they are alone, it makes them stable when they smoke a cigarette. Another is that people also argue that cigarettes boost their appetite and help them have a normal bowel movement. Hence, smokers often smoke right after they eat, it helps them digest the food easily. The feeling when they smoke is …show more content…

In the article “Smoking”, people who consider smoking as a habit is also one of the reasons that lead to addiction with “serious health consequence” (Boughton 2090). Every addiction only starts with just one puff to another until it became one stick to one pack. Most of the people today, they said that they only smoke occasionally, saying that they use it for instant stress reliever and moderate using only. But, what they don’t know is that one day they will be craving it and slowly they will realize that they can’t stand a minute of not smoking a stick of a

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