Argumentative Essay: Should Colleges Be Allowed In College?

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There is many arguments held in a college setting about politics, that can effect college students and here are a few. Should colleges in the United States be allowed to accept undocumented students into their college? Should college be a free education for the students attending? Should college allow free speech for what students believe in? And lastly, should politics even be involved in the college setting? These questions will always be asked when attending a college or university, but what are the pros and cons of each question? What is the correct option, we may never know but the debate will always still be there for college education. Should colleges in the United States allow undocumented people to be allowed into the college system? …show more content…

Amendment 1 in the Bill of Right states that, Congress will not be able to dictate freedom of speech, establishment of religion. So should students be allowed to speech freely about what they believe in a class room, the answer is pretty easy to answer after this following statement given by the Bill of Rights, which was passed into Congress on September 25, 1789 (Stone, n.d.). This amendment was passed to protect the safety of people’s words and not discriminate against it. But does this amendment made in 1789 still do justice in the college system, many people would argue no. Students claim that colleges promote hostile environments that harm minority student and hinder their ability to learn. These claims start the debate of the nature of free speech, individual rights or higher education. During the election of where President Donald Trump became president many students tried to find answers about what they personally believed. During this time the debate started, and many college started to use their rights to the extreme. Currently there are many things that college student’s debate in college setting that have to go to political thoughts of anarchism, socialism, feminism, and

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