Argumentative Essay: Sherlock

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Disclaimer: insert standard "I'm not ACD/Mofftiss", "I own nothing", "Please don't sue" disclaimer here
Summary: "I'm sorry, Sherlock, I can't do this." Molly leaves Sherlock at the altar.
A/N: Fake relationship trope inspired by "One Small Hitch" by texadian on AO3, which, btw, is AWESOME and goes the whole nine yards beginning to end, not just this little bit like mine. Seriously, check it out. NOW. you can come back to this later.
Cordially Invited
How did I let it go this far? Molly Hooper thought as she looked down the aisle of the church, past the few attendees, to the altar where Sherlock Holmes stood waiting for her.
"Ican'tdothisexcuseme," she said, her words coming out in a hurried jumble. Grabbing …show more content…

Based on the position and drape of your gown it was obvious you were standing,” Sherlock replied, waving away her question. “Now, what do you mean by ‘it's not real’ and ‘we can't get married?’ I thought we agreed to do this.”
“Sherlock, we can't get married just because I couldn't tell my dying Mum that I broke off my engagement with Tom, whom she’d never met so it was easy to lie and just say she must have gotten his name wrong. It's not fair to you! I know you don't do feelings and that you're married to your work and I never want to get in the way of that- Sherlock!” Molly gasped as he climbed over the stall separator, dropping down in front of her.
Sherlock wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, tucking her head under his chin. “We talked about this last week. Don’t you remember?”
“Remember what?” Molly asked as she tried to resist snuggling into him. Just the smell of him seemed to calm her immensely.
“We agreed to get married for real.”
Molly pulled away and looked at him, eyes wide, shock written all over her face.
“I admit, you argued with me a great deal,” Sherlock continued, “but when I reminded you that you are one of the few people I truly care for, and when I confessed that you are the only person I cannot imagine living my life without, you agreed, enthusiastically I might add, with

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