Argumentative Essay: Removal Of Statues

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On the removal of statues, I think their removal depends. I don't believe, for example, that the Washington Monument should be touched. I know to some that might sound silly and obvious, but I have listened to some opinions, such as Chenelle's, who make good points why they should come down. Chenelle brings to light an important aspect of our country. We are supposed to be progressive, but it's not secret we are not always. Yes, we have made excellent progress, but then when we observe events like those in Charolettesville, we are hit with reality, possibly not putting us as ahead as we once thought. The argument, which supports Chenelle's, for the removal of statues or monuments of George Washington was that he owned slaves. He oppressed …show more content…

Almost every individual I answered said yes, but unfortunatley, I would disagree. Yes, I know, freedom of speech. This is one of the hardest aspects of this issue we face, and I absolutely understand it is not a popular opinion. I believe these groups should be heavily censored, and should not be able to express views of hate. The difficult part is then where do we stop censoring? It's 2017, if I say "I don't like chocolate ice cream,"I have surley offended someone. Should I be censored for stating that "hateful" opinion? Of course not. A challenging example is that of the Black Lives Matter Movement. The movement is based on what the name says, to show that black people matter. That is a cause I can 110% get behind. What I can't get behind are promoting the murder of the police force, theft, violence, etc. This should be censored. But that isn't the whole group! Not at all. Unfortunately, that is the aspect of the group that gets mainstream attention because they are most controversial. Please listen to 2:25 of this conversation between Tomi Lahren and Trevor Noah. Lahren, a conservative talk-show hosts explains her displeasure with BLM (Black Lives Matter). Trevor Noah, host of the daily show has an incredible response, which well explains my opinion on the movement. With that being said, I think this censoring I am proposing should be case-by-case, and overseen by some sort of bipartisan authority (in a perfect

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