Argumentative Essay On Women In The Media

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Vogue, Vanity Fair, Glamour; all places with women that are beautiful, but not realistic. Models, Media, and Magazines oh my. Women in the U.S are constantly being pushed to have the perfect body by the media’s image. It is causing problems such as eating disorders or low self esteem and it needs to stop. The media is like a bully towards a kid (women in the U.S) because they keep pushing them and teasing them until it breaks their limit and they go overboard. Platforms like Aerie Real Models or Curvy Barbies try to be inclusive with their more broad idea of beauty but there example doesn’t change anything because there is still the skinny Victoria Secret models and there’s still the original Barbie. Advertisement, models, and social media …show more content…

One opinion that is used is that the media is not at blame because it should be the loved ones and the parents of women are supposed to tell them not to listen to all of the media’s opinions (Berninger 1). Another opinion that is used is that the celebrities and sponsors shown on the media should be the people to blame because they are the ones that influence the women to change (Berninger 1). Lastly, a point that the opponents used was that it is the woman’s confidence is the one to blame because whenever they fail to fulfil the ideal body, it leads to negative impacts (Sousa 1). Addressing the first point, the parents aren’t the one to blame because no matter what they may say to women, women are surrounded with the social media pressuring them to change and the parents can’t change who they look up to because some of the biggest influencers are also the worst influencers when it comes to a woman’s confidence. Going over the next point, though celebrities are the influencers that may make women want to change, the media picks who the influencers are. The media could pick more relatable, inspiring, or realistic women that the women could look up too instead of women that may bring them down. Finally addressing the last point, women are not to blame because though they may go to dangerous points when they fail, it is the one the pushes them to change that is the one to blame. The media pushes them to change and to be different so they can reach the standards that they set. So though the opponents did have some credible parts to their points, they had less credible points then the main claim of the media putting too much pressure in women in the U.S to have the “perfect

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