Argumentative Essay On Violent Video Games

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Violent Video Games
Several years ago, technology and child’s play were not such as extremely developed as today. Thousands of teenagers have video game as their primary form of entertainment at home. The disagreement about violent video games is because they focus on several subjects such as violence scenes, pornographic content, racism and other resources. For many years, researchers have been debating if video games can cause dependence or not. However, an expert, Jack Flanagan believes video games have a really negative effect on a person’s life and even for children. Jack states that video game addiction exists, and can have the same effects as drugs and alcohol (Netzley 36-37). This shows that video game addiction can be like other addictions …show more content…

For example, regarding if video games cause aggressive behavior in children, in the opposite view think that violent video games should not be banned and sell it in everywhere because it is just a game that they will not be able to do in real life. However, David states "Although a link between video games and what the researchers define as “aggression” may exist, there is no causal link between violent games and violent criminal activity" (Willis 149). This mean that aggression does not have any relation with a criminal activity of an individual at all. In addition, there is another expert who believes there is no link between video games and people’s violent actions. Christopher, who is a professor assistant at Texas A&M University, insists that there is no correlation between aggression behavior and video games showing in his own meta-analysis that this theme was out of evidence and supporting that video games do not cause aggression behavior, that everything arises from the need to find a reason to blame after commit terrible acts of violence (Willis 175-179). However, while this view made some valid observations, this is not entirely base on facts. One of the best example is Andres Behring Breivik who decided to bomb a government structure in Norway, leaving eight people dead and several of them injured and affirming that a shooter game had helped him to do this massacre (Netzley 49). This shows that games are extremely damaging to society and violent video games cause violent actions. Another example is Jared Padgett a freshman student who killed a classmate and then suicide himself. Jared liked to play shooter games what left doubts about if this pastime can encourage children or adolescent to commit a violent act, and the idea that video games are violent in nature (Glynn

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