Argumentative Essay On Vacation In America

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Imagine I am on vacation in India when I get into fight with another female. We are both drunk and things get physical quickly, and before you know it we are throwing punches back and forth. The cops arrive and break up our fight and as we are separated I see that I have broken her nose and jaw. As I am put into handcuffs, a million thoughts run through my mind. What is going to happen to me? Is being arrested in a foreign country different than in the United States? Will I get an English translator? Am I going to be charged with battery? What are my rights? All of these questions are things I would want to know if I were to ever be arrested in a foreign country. In India, whether or not you are an Indian citizen, when you are arrested you should be read your rights by local law enforcement. Under the Indian Constitution you have certain rights as a human being …show more content…

At the arraignment, a judge will tell me what the official charges brought up against me are. In this case, battery is a misdemeanor. In an article about Indian criminal law called What to do when you are Arrested, “if you are charged with a misdemeanor, you can plead guilty or not guilty at the arraignment.” Then, if the charges are not dropped, I follow the arraignment with a trail held in municipal court. While I wait for my trial to occur, I may or may not have a set bail to get me out of jail. Even though I am not a U.S. citizen, the Indian Constitution gives me the right to bail just like any other person. However, according to the Indian Corporate Counsel Association, “while dealing with the legality or otherwise of the said legal proceeding against sureties, an observation was made by Hon'ble Supreme Court that while granting bail to the accused foreign national, the Court could have imposed the condition to surrender his passport as a measure to prevent him to escape out of

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