Argumentative Essay On The War On Drugs

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In the past fifty years, the War on Drugs has shifted its focus of ensuring well-being of our nation towards the mass imprisonment of drug users. Along the way, there has been an abundance of issues and criticisms that comes with the War on Drugs. The American Governments’ War on Drugs is a preposterously ineffective method in preventing drug use, and should be replaced based on its deep impact on our society, our economy, and the hypocrisy behind the war itself. An inconsistency with evaluating the War on Drugs is that its success is largely measured by the number of arrests made, though it’s had a much more detrimental effect on our society. Consider this, the main purpose in in having an anti-drug campaign is to keep our citizens safe, The economic approach seems to be the most compelling in generating reform, because as we’ve observed in most politics, money is nearly always the center of the issue. Being imprisoned for drug possession, as many Americans are aware of, keeps you from being able to find work, even after being released from a 'correctional ' facility. A drug possession charge makes it remarkably difficult to find work, to reenter and contribute to society once again because it haunts you at every opportunity when stapled with a stigma associated with drugs. As a person, without an opportunity to make an income legally, there is a strong and rather logical compulsion of resorting to crime to make a living, and a cycle begins. Aside from the destructive cycle that we invite masses of people into, they also become a financial burden on society sitting in prison. An entire workforce is taken and according to CBS News Report, on average the cost of incarcerating one inmate, per year, is about thirty thousand dollars or sixty-five billion for the entire prison population. The War On Drugs is impossibly expensive, over a trillion dollars to date, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, with little or no results other than record high occupations in Prisons, a strain on the economy. According to Drug War Facts, a study by the Washington institute for Public policy had found that “every dollar spent on drug treatment in the community yields over $18 in cost savings related to crime." So in a manner of economic effectiveness, as well as for the well-being of our society, community prevention and treatment is the favorable approach. Also, a considerably large reason of why drugs are problem, is that they support drug kingpins or criminals, though the market that supports them would be taken away, if we control it. When marijuana was legalized in the state

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