Argumentative Essay On The Meaning Of Life

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For centuries humans have pondered over what exactly the meaning of life was. Humans naturally desire to fulfill some type of existential meaning, but how does one address this desire? Philosophers Lois P. Pojman and Albert Camus analyzed the question and reached different conclusions, which leads to the problem of understanding weather or not it is possible to answer such a question? Both philosophers have claimed to have found meaning in their lives, but both philosophers view their meaning on earth differently. This indicates that meaning is personal and only you can decide what gives your life meaning, but should that be all humans strive for? Pojman Found his meaning through essentialism “we are not the product of chance” (Klemke & Cahn, …show more content…

Instead of simply placing ones whole meaning onto a greater being, or negatively viewing human existence like other existentialists, Camus decided that the meaning of life was whatever prevents you from suicide “those who commit suicide where assured of the meaning of life” (Klemke & Cahn, 2017)Pg. 74. As morbid as that sounds, Camus has a point, if someone is unable to view existential meaning in a greater being they must find something that makes life worth living. Camus looked at life very eloquently finding beauty in ordinary places such as the sun, dancing, and relationships. Camus admits that he is unaware of any meaning that may transcend the world “what can meaning outside my condition mean to me?” (Klemke & Cahn, 2017) Pg 77 with that being said he looks into the world of religion and claims that one does not want to follow something they cannot fully understand. Camus sticks to what he knows and is satisfied living a life with …show more content…

Although a Christian life style is not the optimal life for many, Pojman looks into Pascal’s Wager where Pascal looks at the pros and cons of faith. Pascal claimed that if you believe in a God that is not real when you die nothing happens and you lose nothing, but Pojman argues that it was not a waste to live with faith because you were morally conscious, meaning you were probably a better person because of your faith. “We should live in such a way as to allow the virtues of theism to inspire our lives and our culture.” (Klemke & Cahn, 2017)Pg 30. If people stop banking on whether there is a God or not, and just hold the high values of equality the world can begin to build a community with a better civilization instead of just dwelling in our own

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