Argumentative Essay On Texting While Driving

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Texting While Driving The smartphone boom among people of all ages has raised an alarm at a global level. Self-reliant people believe that they have multitasking skills and can manage to drive while texting, whereas most are of the view that such a driver gets distracted and accidents are bound to happen. Law enforcers have devised laws against using phones while driving to curb the dangerous situations that arise due to distracted drivers. While driving, unforeseen events including an animal appearing from nowhere might occur; if your attention is on your phone, your slow response might put the driver and the animal in a dangerous situation. Texting has become the favorite means of communication. The objective is to highlight the importance …show more content…

Even a traffic police officer cannot stop a driver who is simultaneously texting and operating a vehicle. He is only allowed to stop a driver who is over speeding or is drunk while driving. In addition to this, at this point in time, no national ban exists on using a wireless phone or texting and driving. In fact, a number of states have imposed a ban on texting or using devices while operating a car. In addition to this, hands free have to be used for listening to a call when driving a car. However, laws alone can’t make any difference if the change of approach is not undertaken by people …show more content…

The possibilities of being engaged in a vehicle accident with a distracted driver increase day by day. Even though legislations were passed to prohibit typing behind the wheel; the possibility of enforcing the law seems difficult to be imposed practically. The purpose is to create awareness among the people on the issue and persuade the common public in changing the habit of using a smartphone while driving. Moreover, it is vital to create awareness among the teenagers and public about the dangers they put themselves and others by getting indulged in smartphone while driving. It is a task that requires complete attention. Numerous efforts are being taken at the government level to ensure this global issue gets

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