Argumentative Essay On Social Security

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The U.S. government requires workers to make regular payments to a government fund which is used to make payments to people who are unable to work because they are old, disabled, or retired. Social Security checks can be collected later in life after you have contributed to the system and earned credits. In 2016, you get one credit for every $1,260 you earn (that figure is adjusted higher each year), up to a limit of four credits per year. These credits remain on your record even if you change jobs or stop working for a while. The Social Security Administration (SSA) mails out a summary of your benefits each year, about three months before your birthday to ensure you are update on your status.
The system has many flaws including funding, budgeting, and pay out. Working citizens of the United States have a payment deducted …show more content…

Social Security benefits are adjusted each year to keep up with inflation as measured by the consumer price index. Instead of the current system we could use a different measure of inflation that typically grows more slowly, the chained CPI. The smaller benefit increases each year would add up over time. Using a slower growing measure of inflation to calculate annual cost-of-living adjustments is projected to reduce Social Security’s funding gap by 20 percent. Going along with this, if we raise the retirement age the number of payouts will decrease due to the ratio of years lived and years paid will be less. Another idea we could use is means-testing. Means-testing Social Security would reduce or eliminate retirement payouts for retirees with high incomes. This is an unpopular idea with the general population because of all the variables in place. However, I believe that if you have a high income you should be able to put away money of the course of your career, if not than that is your own

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