Argumentative Essay On Sex And Gender

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Females have almost always been at a disadvantage to males, they hold little power, and are viewed as having little power. Women have been handed the short end of the stick throughout history, as men have been the ones who are in power and have continued to stay in power in modern society. Through the use of religion and traditions of ancient civilizations have men been able to maintain their position in power, while women have to continue to fight for equal rights in modern society.
Gender has been a topic of debate for many years, but has increased in interest rapidly since the 1970s with the rise of the feminist movement. However, in order to talk about the sociological and psychological differences between the genders, it is important …show more content…

They are, however, wrong, sex is the biological term which people are assigned at birth, determined by their sex organs and genes. Gender is a psychological and cultural term the purpose of which is to describe the feelings of maleness or femaleness in a person, also known as gender identity. Gender also refers to the way society evaluates behavior as masculine or feminine, also known as gender roles . Gender is inseparably bound with an unequal distribution of power; it is the social inequalities that then create the idea that the sexes oppose one another. Politics, the legal system, and mass culture are organized in such a way that women have been constantly put at a disadvantage and disempowered, this also occurs in the employment field . The differences between men and women’s behavior and personalities are based on social factors. These factors have been accepted by society from previous civilizations in history. Men and women have been separated and designated distinct roles based on their sex, which in turn creates the different …show more content…

However, the civil administration grew and then the hierarchy became more important and women grew more dependent on men socially and economically, thus weakening their position in the ancient society. Women, like the other civilizations talked about took care of the needs of the family and then the men took this as meaning they were subservient as depicted in the grave scenes of the Old and Middle Kingdoms . Similar to the power structure in the nomadic tribes Ancient Egypt was ruled predominantly by men, called

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