Argumentative Essay On Self Driving Cars

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Self-driving cars However, with each passing day, humans are becoming more and more dependent on artificial intelligence. Smart phones have become ubiquitous and are more than just devices for making phone calls; they are high powered mini-AI computers that are pretty much attached to our hands. We rely on them for directions, banking, commerce, and answers to any random conceivable question. They help us keep in touch with family and friends; they organize our ideas and provide us with countless forms of entertainment. As we progress into the future, AI will take on more human responsibilities. For example, they are currently being programmed to provide minimally invasive medical operations that were once only performed by the hands …show more content…

No one can argue against AVs reducing energy consumption and pollution by using electric instead of gas. What about the countless lives that will be saved by virtually eliminating car crashes? For example, “there are still thousands of deaths attributable to drunk driving every year and billions of dollars spent on damage from auto accidents, loss of life, injuries, deterrence, and punishment (Hanna, 2015).” Self-driving cars will ensure that every intoxicated patron has a designated driver. This will be a major benefit to society in the form of lives saved and peace of mind knowing that our roadways are safe from drunk …show more content…

Josh Constine, a technology journalist with a Master’s degree in Cybersociology from Stanford University, expressed his concerns in a Tech Crunch article about self-driving cars by asking, “What will happen to Uber’s 1 million drivers? And the 3.5 million truck drivers in the US? And the countless millions of delivery, bus, taxi, and other drivers around the world (Constine, 2016)?” Based on his numbers, one could estimate that over 4.5 million U.S. workers will be displaced as a result of autonomous vehicles. Human drivers will not be able to compete with an AI system that doesn’t fall asleep behind the wheel, get into accidents because of some error or misjudgment, or require compensation and

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