Argumentative Essay On Religious Freedom

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Religious Freedom
Churches should not be able to get away with as much as they do.Religion can cause problems in government and other areas of life that may be contributed to them having too much freedom. It tends to get ruled in favor of discriminating against people who are not part of said religion. That is why religion needs to have a tighter reign on what it can and can't do. The other side would say that religion has too little freedom. Or that religious institutions are not being allowed to practice the beliefs of that religion because of laws put in place over them. Although, anything that has religion brought into it usually favors the religious side over the opposing side being that the religious discrimination card tends to be used. …show more content…

This may be true being some religions do have certain beliefs and practices that may be illegal. Such as some religions involve sacrifice or having more than one wife such as the mormons. This is a decent argument, however these things have been deemed unconstitutional being as sacrifice is murder and having more than one wife could be cruel to the wives and as the constitution say marriage is between two different people. Another argument is they are not able to have god in schools or other government places. There has been a case in which a math teacher was asked by the school board to take down patriotic banners from his class walls because they mention god (Merola). This is a good argument but we can not have a mention of god in schools because every child does not have the same religion. This however can be a different case if it is a religious private school. These points are not viable to help the opposite cause for the fact that they hardly true. Most churches are allowed to do as they wish inside their walls. Which this sometimes leads to unseen problems some of which are recent and will be brought up later in the

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