Argumentative Essay On Reincarnation And Religion

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Numerous religions have heroes and myths that recount heroes and different character that come back to life after their demise. When they return, however it is not their previous selves but rather as other individual, as creatures or even as plants. The idea of reincarnation—a return of a soul in earthly form—it depends on the conviction that a man’s spirit keeps on existing after death and can transmigrate, or move, to another living thing.
Till now we have covered the concept, perception and belief of reincarnation according to the religions and it is clearly evident that it solely depends upon their own rituals, beliefs, thinking and their mythology. It has no connection with the real world or our real self. These beliefs contradict each other and because of which the conclusion of it should be on the belief of reincarnation according to science. It will help to give the real picture of it and will even make us understand about it more clearly and through case studies and proper evidences. …show more content…

It believes that the soul is born multiple times into new bodies and life forms and to support this argument and revelation the sole evidence or the conglomeration of scientific data that helps to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real or not, is the life's work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. Dr. Ian Stevenson, Ph.D., the former Professor of Psychiatry at the University Of Virginia School Of Medicine, spent around 40 years researching reincarnation stories within children. He did not rely upon hypnosis for his research. This former chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology investigated around 3000 independent stories of children who claimed to have memories and know people from their alleged past lives. According to Stevenson, the number of cases that are worth considering is so high that it exceeds the ability of him and his team to investigate them

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