Argumentative Essay On Puppy Mill

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You know that cute little puppy in the pet shop window? Chances are, it’s from a puppy mill. Food shortages during the first World War and through the Great Depression and World War II led the government to encourage people to start rabbit farms in their backyard and to raise rabbits to help feed themselves, as well as the soldiers. Rabbit farmers were left with lots of vacant rabbit hutches after the wars ended and were in need of another crop to sustain themselves. In response, the federal Agriculture Department encouraged struggling farmers to raise puppies as an alternative “crop.” This was bad for dogs because the cages that they were being kept in were too small and harmful to the animals based on the wire floor of the cage. This marked the beginning of the business of mass puppy production. Sadly, there is no law in the U.S. making puppy mills illegal. Consequently, thousands of dogs still have to suffer. Puppy mills contribute to pet overpopulation and cause countless dogs lifetimes of suffering in small, wire cages. Every year, hundreds of dogs go without homes, while at a puppy mill, hundreds of animals are forced to cram into small spaces with little or no water available, …show more content…

If more animals are rescued from a shelter, puppy mills will go out of business, ending the suffering of all the dogs trapped inside. A puppy mill is a place where people raise the puppies out of greed and not love for the animal. The Dams are bred at every heat, which is twice a year, until their body is so worn out that they get rid of them or they die. They don't do any health test to make sure that the dogs don't have any hereditary diseases to pass on to the puppies. The breeding dogs are kept in unsanitary conditions, cages, and are living in their own dirt. Some of these dogs never even touching grass or getting tender, loving

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