Argumentative Essay On Pro Life

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Abortion has always been a controversial topic. The subject matter is so sensitive that people will more than likely never come to an agreement on the topic. In my opinion, a woman has the right to choose whether or not she wants to carry another life inside of her. No person should have say in what a woman chooses to do with her body. Those who are against abortion argue that terminating a pregnancy is murder. “Abortion can be as morally reprehensible as murder if modern science is to be believed”(Sullivan). Pro-Life supporters argue that anything past conception is a living human being. Advocates of Pro-Life also maintain that slavery and abortion are among the same inequality. "’...Abortion is acceptable for the same reason that slavery was tolerated: both the slave and the unborn are not considered full "persons" entitled to the protection of the law’"(Sullivan). Supporters claim unborn fetuses have the same rights as the woman who is carrying them. “Any two people are equal, and any two people have equal rights. Hence, a mother has every bit as much right to live as any child”("The Rights of a Woman Do Not Outweigh the Rights of a Child"). …show more content…

“...An unwanted pregnancy pits two very important interests against one another: the interest in the life or potential life of a fetus versus the freedom of a woman to control her own body”(Dorf). Before abortion became legalized, women who were wanting a child attempted to end their pregnancy in life-threatening ways. “Bans on abortion in the developing world lead to many unnecessary deaths”(Singer). “Restricting access to legal abortion leads many poor women to seek abortion from unsafe providers. The legalization of abortion on request in South Africa in 1998 saw abortion-related deaths drop by

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