Argumentative Essay On Masculinity

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Regardless of the immense evidence that a vegetarian diet is beneficial to the environment, animal welfare and human health, a major reason why most men are still devouring burgers could perhaps be because they are tormented about no longer being viewed as “real men.” However, there is no such thing as a “real man,” the term itself is ambiguous because it confines men to a stereotype that involves feasting on foods that are viewed as masculine and objectifying women. The assumption that “real men” eat meat not only endorses the industrial farming industry, but also maintains patriarchal gender roles that limit both men and women. In an age of global climate change and environmental eradication, masculinity should be reassessed as protecting …show more content…

From when we are coached that men and women must materialize and behave in feminine and masculine ways, we are also instructing that the “normal” and expected sexual orientation is heterosexual. For example homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people do not correspond with the standard gender norms, disconcerting the sovereignty of patriarchy. Advocating to traditional gender expectations maintains heterosexual authority and, conclusively, male dominance. A male controlled society can generate men to assume personal authority or power over women. When men presume this jurisdiction over women, it creates an inferior illustration of females or emasculate males. The idea that masculinity is responsible for violence, including sexual assault, is rarely disputed. The vast pluralities of violent acts are committed by men, contributing to the denouement that there is a high correlation between masculinity and aggression. A man’s socialization of being belligerent and a sexual attacker with excessive power, and competent to intimidate based on greater muscle bulk and size can explain the reality of male impelled sexual assault. It can normalize these characteristics in our culture which lowers the standards of how men should behave. For example, the term “boys will be boys,” carries a danger towards submissively interpreting male aggression as ordinary. It widens gender norms and stereotypes that …show more content…

A further denouncement is necessary of the stereotype that masculinity is defined by power. It is possible that through more men becoming vegetarian, it can set example of masculinity that can include an attentive approach to animal exploitation as well as physical ability. It is difficult to defy gender conformity. Many of us naturally surrender to gender norm expectations because they are so fixed in our society. However, such criteria’s are restrictive and false. In the case of food choices, they may restrict males and females from exploring alternatives diets. Vegetarianism can aid breaking society’s ideas of patriarchal gendered

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