Argumentative Essay On Landon

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Fighting in a war with the love of your life isn't one’s idea of living. Landon and Queen Amara have been together since age 8. Where Queen Amera has had very few consequences for her actions. She has been and continues to be with many men, even though she is supposed to be loyal to Landon. Landon has known of her actions yet he has never been angry towards her, he waits for her, and continues to love because he knows the meaning of being able to truly love someone, and truly loving someone is being able to deal with whoever they are, but still having patience and kindness towards one.
“Amara, you look beautiful.” Landon said this as he saw the beauty that his fiancé holds.
“Landon, I have some, how do I say this? Business, you could say, …show more content…

As Amara journeys back to her castle, she realizes she has to find a way to get rid of Landon. “What can I do? I can't hurt him and say I've betrayed him for a king. Maybe he'll understand. No he won't. I must kill him, for this will be the true way to be rid of him” Amara spoke to herself and finally finds a reason to execute him, she decides that she'll say he forced himself upon her. She believes that he'll understand and not fight against her. The huge sea roared in anger. The sky was foggy and it was dewey out. It smelled like burnt logs, showing that it was going to rain. It was misty out and when Amara was walking on the deck, she felt the mist hitting her face. It took an extra day for Amara to finally get home, …show more content…

Amara had returned home very late in the night. She walked to her room and saw the breakfast laying on her bed. It had smelled of bacon and a sweet sappy smell. She walked over and layed on her silk comforter that felt cold on her skin. She felt sad because of what she thought she needed to do. She picked up the food which was still warm and took a bite of her strawberries, for that was the cause of the sweet, sappy smell. Her mouth watered, so she took a drink of the wine that was also on the tray of food. The cup was very soft, as if it had just been made. Amara layed her head on her pillow and closed her eyes. “You know you're my sunshine in the rain.” Amara said this to Landon as a smile had spread across his face. He was now in her room waiting for her to tell him how his trip went.
“And you're like a castle. Beautiful and a heart very huge as for it holds my heart.” As Landon said this, he saw Amara wince. “What's wrong my love?”
“Landon I don't want to do this, but I have to. Guards!

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