Argumentative Essay On Iraq War

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TO INVADE In March 2003, the United States initiated a preemptive war on Iraq. This war garnered much controversy, but there were genuine reasons as to why the United States should have invaded Iraq. One reason being that Intelligence reports indicated that Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, was aiding terrorist groups and was stockpiling weapons that were capable of mass destruction. Given Saddam Hussein's threats to “burn half of Israel”, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, and the chemical weapons that Iraq used in its war with Iran, this made policy makers worried. Also, after Osama bin Laden's promise of “ongoing jihad against the West (page 335)”, the U.S. placed their focus on Iraq in fear of where the next terrorist threat would come from. So, after Hussein refused to comply with the U.N. to allow inspectors to “examine sites where they suspected he might be producing such weapons (page 335)”, the U.S. decided to use force in order to disarm …show more content…

Secondly, many supported this war because they believed the U.S. should remove the “perceived threat before the threat grows even worse (page 335)”. Past events in history supported the idea of a preemptive war, such as Hitler's power in Europe. Third, it was reasonable for Americans to believe that the Iraqi military could be defeated. Once the U.S. entered Baghdad, Hussein went into hiding and his regime subsequently “disintegrated”. Lastly, Hussein was “captured, tried on charges of mass murder, and executed (page 337)”. After only two and a half years, Iraq later had a new constitution and had elected a parliament. President Bush was hopeful that Iraq would soon become a “stable democracy capable of defending itself (page 336)”. In conclusion, the Iraq War possibly reduced the threat of an even bigger problem that could have occurred, and it removed Saddam Hussein

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