Argumentative Essay On Internet Addiction

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Web Addict: The Internet’s Dismantlement of Social Awareness

By definition Addition is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. The idea that the average person spends nearly 20 hours a week on the internet per week is enough to make anyone question whether or not they’re “living up to their potential,” so to speak, pitting those numbers adjacent to the looming, smaller number of hours spent getting into a regular routine at the gym, or working your way down the New York Times bestseller’s list. Nevertheless, those numbers are average in terms of the amount most Americans contribute their time to the internet, and while one might argue these numbers are far too large not to consider large scale …show more content…

In more severe cases, users often lose complete desire for person to person interaction, causing a gradual descent in necessary social skills most often furnished by extracurricular activities ranging from book clubs to marching band. Teenagers are the largest group affected by internet addiction. Often the targets of bullying and group think, teenagers see the greatest decline in social skills. Some teens cope with feelings of uselessness and the disapproval of their peers by forging internet relationships with like-minded people countries away and creating outlets for creativity through music, design or fashion. When used conceptually, the internet is a great resource for a wealth of information right at your fingertips, and also a place that provides safe harbor for the individual. Even so, a number of internet addiction cases still have a majority of teens refusing to cope with the reality of the world we live in and they find themselves perpetuating a vicious cycle. Wilderness Therapy …show more content…

The addiction can lead to the inability to communicate in the real world by depriving the addict of the daily practices involved with interpersonal communication. The act of using facial expressions or certain gestures to really intended emotion or emphasize meaning decline as the addict substitutes keystrokes resembling smiley faces or avatars. Socially, subjects become more inclined to develop personality disorders in which they identify more with their internet representation than their real-life persona. Ultimately, an addiction to the internet can cripple one’s ability to maintain a healthy social life.” ( eHow pg

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