Argumentative Essay On Honey Bees

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different kinds of plants, the money being saved from not buying pesticides could be used towards planting these “distraction plants”. Using pests to fight pests is also a very cheap way to fight off pests. Integrating predatory bugs, like ladybugs, can help kill off pests. Jules Pretty, an author who focuses his research on agricultural sustainability, is Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Essex. Pretty found that farmers who use pests to kill pests “have averaged 79% increase in crop yields” over other systems that were supposed to fight pests, but didn’t. These alternatives are not only great for the environment, but as well as the bee populations because they will keep crop production as profitable as possible and it will also protect the …show more content…

Axel Decourtye, a science director in French Institute of beekeeping, fragmentations of habitats, like monoculture, contribute to the loss of bees. It is obvious that a deficiency in quality and quantity of pollen can lead to a decrease in bee populations. With monoculture farming, there is only going to be one bloom period, which leaves a narrow window for bees to collect pollen. Healthy bee populations and profitable beekeeping practices depend on landscapes with ample and nutritious sources of pollen and nectar yielding flowers. The deficiency in quantity and the quality of pollen and nectar can lead to a decrease in population of the colony. This means that there are less bee colonies to pollinate our crops, leading to an economic downfall. Monoculture has become such a popular way of farming across the country that beekeepers now make most of their money from ‘pollination services’ rather than sales from honey (Christensen). There are now services where colonies are being shuttled around the country and even the world in order to pollinate different crops. Bees are stuck on a homogeneous diet because of how much they are needed around the world. For Instance, if a human were to eat only apples for

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