Argumentative Essay On Global Education

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The world grows smaller and smaller as time goes on; maybe not literally, but definitely through some points of view. With everything and everyone being more connected than ever now thanks to advances in communicational technology and with the merging of cultures from all over the world, a suitable form of education needs to become the standard to accommodate such a world. Global education teaches students about the world’s different cultures, traditions, religions, languages and other important global factors contributing to our modern world. According to various recent studies, The U.S. falls behind many other nations regarding their global education standards (Webb). How then, can the U.S. or any other nation with similar education struggles …show more content…

Too many people are oblivious to the events happening all around the world that few people consider important to them specifically, yet may indirectly be influencing their lives without them even knowing it. If students are taught the same exact things in the classroom that their parents and their parents were taught and so on and so forth, what progress, or lack thereof, could be measured from such teaching methods? Teaching someone only about the current events of their homeland or the land they are currently residing in narrows one’s perception of the world by not showing them how those events are connected to the rest of the world, or possibly how they were a result of other & bigger global events. Students taught with a global education standard experience more success in their fields, especially if they undergo lengthy study abroad programs to better understand how their area of expertise impacts or was impacted by the rest of the world (Jackson, …show more content…

While many Americans, and even more unfortunate is American teachers, claim that global education would harm American values and go against what America stands for (Webb), a global education presents the ability to either properly expand upon one’s knowledge of the world with accurate information about their true culture and their language, or a global education could either undeservingly demote or promote a country to a ranking it may or may not deserve. Without global education, our future generations will face unnecessary challenges and face the possibility of destroying everything that we, the world, built upon to maintain

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