Argumentative Essay On Fear Of Death

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Death is not something human beings have a fundamental understanding over; there is no person who is born with an innate comprehension of what happens when we cease to exist. We live our lives, day-after-day, not knowing what is to come when the only thing we have ever known comes to an end. So we fear death, cowering in its shadow. Ironic isn’t it? After all, death is one of the only certain things in life, yet we despair it. When I was a young boy, even I knew of death’s overwhelming presence in the lives of humans. Yet, I had never experienced death first hand, so I suppose even I feared it just as everyone else did. I believe that humans are fundamentally conditioned to be afraid of dying; likely because we usually fear that which we do …show more content…

I remember my mother crying. I remember my grandfather, a man who I have never seen shed a single tear, crying. I remember my whole family, at some point or another, cry over the death of Shanthi Perera. (Appeal to Emotion) I was devastated by her death, but I also learned a great deal from it. (Antithesis)
When my grandmother died, what really happened? Did feel the weight of death? Did she cling on for dear life? In death is there disease? In death is their sadness? In death is there regret? (Parallelism and Rhetorical Questions) The thing that was truly clear to me was that she was no longer suffering. Although I realized this from a secular perspective, it truly helped that my grandmother turned to God in the last moments of her life. It is certainly comforting to know I will meet her again in the life eternal, or so I believe. From this stance, death is simply a break from life.
Regardless of all of this, I always thought a woman like my grandmother would live forever; if anyone deserved immortality it was her. Yet, life is not so just. She, like all of us have, and will eventually, met her end. As morbid as I found that to be, it also helped me realize that death is nothing to fear. When the hand of Death comes knocking at our doors, we really shouldn’t be surprised. She visits all of us at some point. I came to the conclusion is is silly and illogical to fear something that we cannot …show more content…

For the sole reason we will all meet Death in our lifetimes, it's all the more reason to live life to the fullest. My grandmother understood this better than anyone. She lived her whole life as if tomorrow would be her last day. Henceforth, she lived a life worth living. She saw the world in all its beauty, she loved unapologetically, and truly touched the lives of countless people. So is her dying a tragedy, or is it simply the completion of what she was meant to do? She came full circle - she was born, she truly lived, and she died. It is difficult to find sadness in a successful life, is it not? Would life be anything of worth if we never died? Is it not death itself that compliments life? (Parallelism and Rhetorical Questions) There are no concrete answers to such questions, but the lessons my grandmother taught me by her life will surely help me through my own life. For that, I will be forever grateful to

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