Argumentative Essay On Electric Cars

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When we look at what US businesses have done over the last hundred years we can see that we have been at the forefront of most industries and have reaped the rewards for doing that. But when it comes to renewable energy we are far behind many nations such as Japan, China, and Germany for example. The US failed to seize the renewable energy market when US businesses had the chance and we have suffered the consequences. So when it comes to the electric car industry we cannot let our companies take a back seat to other nations instead we must do everything in our power to put our companies in the driver's seat of this new industry. I would like to begin by defining a few key terms. Bin rating is the current US way of rating a car's energy efficiency there are currently 8 different bins but there used to be 11. A tax refund or tax rebate is a refund on taxes when the tax liability is less than the taxes paid. Now let's grab our …show more content…

Before we look at the effects of electric cars on climate change we will look at what is climate change and why it is a problem. Climate change is currently happening all around us it is caused when carbon dioxide methane and water vapor trap Infrared light in the atmosphere. This causes a greenhouse effect which is when heat comes in and cannot get out and thus bounces around heating up the planet. This is problematic because it will lead to ice caps melting and a warming planet. This could cause crop failure, droughts, and crazy weather patterns. found that collectively cars and trucks produce roughly 20% of US carbon emissions. Although it is hard to trace individual carbon emissions to certain problems when you look at climate change as a whole the problems are clear as day. Cutting down 15% of US carbon emissions as the proposed legislation would do would be very

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