Argumentative Essay On Concussions

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Did you know that in 2009 in the US there were 46,948 head injuries caused by American Football? These injuries consisted of concussions and other common head injuries in football. Many people in america are for and against football and its connection to many injuries caused by the violence of the sport. Some people think that football is too violent and dangerous and others argue against this claim. Based off of many reliable sources like BBC news and Heads Up Football many can come to the conclusion that if football is to be safe then we need to make lots of changes to gear, form, and even the rules present in the game. Many things factor into the dangers of football and the three dominant reasons are that Football can cause Concussions and …show more content…

Football is getting too dangerous for adults and children, and when signing children up for this sport parents should be cautioned to look at the dangers of football. Because of the violent nature of the sport of football many children can get head injuries, and these injuries can lead to worse injuries in the future. A lot of evidence supports the fact that Head Injuries are mainly caused by huge blows to the head, and football can and has caused many of these because it includes a lot of the main reasons a child can get a concussion. According to Heads Up Football, “On the football field, concussions can result from a fall or from players colliding with each other, the ground, or an obstacle, such as a goalpost. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious “(Heads Up Football Coaching Guide). This quote from the Heads Up Football Association explains how even the smallest hit to the ground or to another person can result in a major or minor head injury or other …show more content…

The sport itself is very violent, and even with pads it can cause injuries. Many parents of players say that the sport itself is not very dangerous, and this is their opinion. But based off of evidence concussions are a main part of playing football, and last time I checked concussions were dangerous. According to DenverPost, “For Americans, "football" involves men in elaborate and expensive exoskeletons who try to run or kick an oblong object into their opponent's end zone. This requires no little mayhem. It is all about taking down opponents, which demands collisions, concussions, contusions, and more.”(Douglas Groothuis). Collisions and huge hits in the NFL and in junior Football leagues just add to the violent nature of the sport, and this can lead again to Concussions and other injuries that can destroy a sport players career. PSU. Edu says, “Beneath the carnival atmosphere lies the fact these fans have gathered to watch young men hit and bruise one another—a violent spectacle that is one of America's favorite pastimes. Given its nature and its prominent position in our culture, is football the Roman gladiator sport for modern Americans?’(Jesse Hicks). Jesse Hicks and many other sports fans around the nation love to watch the sport of football, but have you ever thought about the similarities of Football and Roman Gladiators? Its the same

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