Argumentative Essay On Breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding also gives you more time to spend with your baby. Breastfeeding is something special only you are able to share with your baby. Some might find this as selfish or some might think they couldn’t emotionally handle being the only one able to feed baby. However, I see this as a special, beautiful experience only you can give your child. Someday when your child is grown and doesn’t need you to thrive, you will look back on these special moments that only you and your child could share with each other. With all the fancy breast pumps on the market today, a mother can easily pump milk for her child when away. My breast pump is like my best friend, without it I wouldn’t be able to leave my child for more than a couple hours. The great …show more content…

Not enough women have the support or information they need to breastfeed. Breastfeeding may be natural, but it may not be as easy and natural as some might think. Breastfeeding can be hard, painful, and frustrating. I believe a lot of mothers switch to formula because of these simple reasons. A lot of the time when mothers switch to formula they think something isn’t right when breastfeeding and there isn’t support there to help them through their problem. More support through health care providers need to be available and more of an acceptance among our civilization in general. The only way there will be more women breastfeeding is if it’s more …show more content…

Our many focus should be not on how your feeding you’re baby but, on the mother and child’s well being. It shouldn’t matter how you do it, breast or bottle. Yes breast is best, but not everyone is capable of breastfeeding and that is why there is formula. What should really matter is that you made the choice to do what is best for yourself and your baby. People should stop judging each other due to how they feed their child or what they view as acceptable or not. Breastfeeding is the best nutrition you can give your child, but not everyone is able to breastfeed and that shouldn’t be frowned upon. Everyone has the same goal: to be the best parent to his or her child. Neither should be shamed, and more support should be given to both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding mothers.
All mothers should be comfortable feeding their baby, no matter how it’s being done. A nursing mother shouldn’t feel confined to her own home because of fears of what other people are going to think, and a bottle-feeding mother shouldn’t feel guilty for not

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