Argumentative Essay On Birth Control

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Birth control is one of the biggest debates in our society. There are many people who are against and many people that support the ideas of using birth control. The scientific definition of birth control is “planned interference with conception in order to control the number of offspring born. Birth control techniques include drugs containing hormones, the diaphragm, and the intrauterine device” (Dictionary, References). There are many different types of birth control, and different effects for each kind. One just need to find the right one. Many people have their own beliefs to accept or oppose birth control. Nowadays there exist more than one method to prevent pregnancy, and sexual transmitted infections, as it shows in figure 1. The most …show more content…

Other effects that women can have are, hair loss, if is take more that it should be, your hair stops growing, or start falling. The most regular effects in all women are nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Effects that really hurt women are the high blood pressure and cholesterol, deceleration in the face, vagina infections, anxiety, gain weight, depression, and irregular periods. All those effects are bad, some women had die because of their blood pressure. Also had die of heart attacks, and the last one but not less dangerous is the depression. Women had try to kill themselves because of anxiety, and all those symptoms that hurt …show more content…

Base on a research those women that take the birth control pill for years, and have the same chance of getting pregnant as other women that haven’t take the pill at all. Other concerns are that if they taking the pill during a pregnancy, the pill can harm their baby. But base on Med Twice research it had happened that babies come in a bad condition, but is hard to find a case like that. Is not something dangerous, but just in case they give the advice to stop taking birth control pills. In that situation they are not necessary any more, well they are already pregnant, and the pills are for prevent pregnancy. The last question that a lot of women made is if the birth control cause an abortion, well in a matter of fact the answer is yes. It had happened that taking so much pill in some women cause an abortion, that’s why is so important for you during your pregnancy go to a doctor and check yourself to see if everything is going good with the mother, and the

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