Why Is Barbie A Good Role Model

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Over the past 50 years Barbie has not only been a best friend to many little girls across America but she has been a role model to them as well. Barbie is everything any growing girl would want to be. After all she is living the dream, not only with the materialistic aspects of her life like the houses, cars and of course we cannot forget about her fashion, but also with her extensive resume filled with many careers. Or at least that is what the creators of Barbie intended for her but the reality is that Barbie can only truly be relatable to a small demographic of girls. When Barbie made her debut in a 1959 advertisement she was a thin, bond haired, blue eyed, fashion model. Not exact relatable to most girls. In this past year Mattel, the toy …show more content…

An adult doll with a somewhat sexy figure was presented to young girls as someone to aspire to. In this advertisement of the doll they even made it clear to you by explaining, "She is shapely and all grown up!" This was unacceptable to some but to most it was the idea of giving your child a toy designed to allow them to practice for roles they will take on as adults. The advertisement also reflects a doll that has blond hair, blue eyes, and that is "flesh toned and life like." The problem with that is there is only one kind of hair color, one kind of eye color, and one kind of skin color and that is just not life like. It could be seen as the opposite of life like. It is unrealistic. Giving your child a Barbie doll is nothing more than giving them something to look forward to in the future but how can a child dream of the future with a doll that looks nothing like …show more content…

They began to improve one the diversity of Barbie. Last year the company announced that it would begin introducing new dolls with various changes. The company 's spokeswoman Michelle Chidoni explained that the new dolls will be "a better reflection of what girls see in the world around them." The collection of Barbie dolls is called Fashionistas the advertisement represented the diversity seen in real women. There are 30 hair colors, 25 hair styles, 22 eye colors, 7 skin tones, and 4 body types all those things in combination to make 33 dolls in total. There are so many more dolls that it has to reach a much wider demographic of young

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