Argumentative Essay-It's Time To Stop Sexual Assault

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How would you feel if your son or daughter came home quiet as can be with tears in their eyes and bruises on their face and them walking solemly. How would you feel later finding out they were assaulted and had been raped? You would want to do something about it wouldnt you. But we stand by and push accusations under the rug of sexual assault. We stand by and watch as young girls we dont know are sexually harrased and assaulted and do nothing. But think it could happen to your daughter or you and you would want to help but could you imagine all these other people saying your daughters dramatic shes lying. That would hurt so badly so dont you wanna helo stop sexual assault. We all have human rights and those are to feel safe in our country. We came to the new world in order to start our own government and do good for ourselves yet not stopping sexual assault will that really make anyone feel safe. We have rights as people and being forced to give our body to someone takes away our right because we can say no and if they dont listen its taking away human rights. Laws are very strict with so many …show more content…

Now im pretty sure if you are raped thats taking away a right so shouldnt there be way more stricter laws to that? Shouldnt schoold do assem blies on ways to stop this i mean if they do assemblies on gum why not on something that actually means something. No one should have to go through that pain of feeling like they are nothing and like they can just be thrown around and dont have a voice. This creates permanent damage especially in an enviroment where you should feel safe. In schools we are told your safe your here to learn and to make progress accidemicly. Even after school hours we may count as us being out of school but truly something like this will effect you for a long time especially in school because you may have to see that person

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