Argumentative Essay: Is The Electoral College Fair?

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Is the Electoral College system fair? I don’t think that the current system is and there’s several reasons why I think so. Some of the reasons the Electoral College isn’t fair are because it does not necessarily reflect the national popular vote, it disenfranchises two-thirds of the states, and every vote isn’t equal.
The first reason is that it does not necessarily reflect the national popular vote. Because of the way the Electoral College is set up, a presidential candidate can lose the popular vote and still win the election by winning the most electoral votes. When this happens, the outcome doesn’t reflect the national popular vote.
Second, it causes the two-thirds of the country to be ignored in presidential campaigns. Forty-eight of the states have a winner take all system for their state’s electoral votes, meaning they will give all their electoral college votes for the candidate who wins the most popular votes in that state. Since most states are clearly divided in what party they’ll vote for, this causes candidates to not campaign in states that they’re sure they’ll win and in states that they’re sure they’ll lose. This means that they only campaign in the few battleground states, states that they could win or lose, causing most of the country to be ignored. …show more content…

This is also because of the winner take all system most states have and because most of them are clearly divided in what party they’ll vote for. In states that are clearly divided, your vote is less equal and important since it doesn’t matter as much whether you vote because it would take a lot of votes to change the outcome. But in battleground states, where it could turn out either way, your vote is more equal and important since every vote matters to the outcome. The closer a state is to being evenly divided in the party it votes for, the more your vote is equal and matters to the

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