Argumentative Essay: Is Football A Dangerous Sport?

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I believe football is a dangerous sport to play but at the same time I believe it is not, and one of the reasons it can be a dangerous sport it is because players try so hard to get a win so they tend to hit another player hard, Only to realize that hit can give him a real bad concussion. And then if is not a concussion they get real bad injures to the point where they either have a brace on their leg or arms and that injure can stop them from doing school work or doing things on their own. In the first article I read stated that “four out of every 1,000 high school football exposures resulted in an injury, while eight out of every 1,000 collegiate football exposures resulted in an injury.” That just shows that football is one of the most dangerous sports, because while playing football most players get hit head to head or others get thrown or tackled hard. It might not seem as serious as it sounds but it is actually serious, players should be more cautions as they play. Some of the injuries are caused by running plays not only in high school but in collegate school. In high school they see that for most of the season players are getting injured or concussions. Running backs and linebackers are the ones that tend to get injures. …show more content…

He enjoyed the ruff and and tumble of the game, All the hits he had added up and appear to have taken a terrible toll. Thomas was a junior at the University of Pennsylvania he was also a lineman on his football team, he decided to take his own life. His autopsy also showed that his brain was in the early stages of chronic traumatic encephalopathy also known as C.T.E. C.T.E is a head trauma induced disease causes many things like depression,impulse control problems, memory loss, and dementia. There also has been an increasing awareness about the dangers of concussions, especially for younger players whose brains are still

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