Argumentative Essay: IQ Or Hard Work?

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IQ or Hard Work
Which is more important: IQ or hard work? To answer this, you must first ask the questions, what is IQ and what is hard work? IQ is a measure of a person's intelligence. Hard work is a term used to describe the amount of effort the individual puts forth when completing a task. Some people are born smart and they catch on to new information with ease. Many argue that being intelligent is more important than being a hard worker. In reality, one has to work hard at whatever they do in life. Some claim that no matter how smart you are it is still necessary to work hard if you are to achieve anything of substance. Numerous factors play into account on which one is more important. Still others debate that IQ and hard work are equally important. Overall it is generally agreed upon that to be successful in this world, a person must at least be either …show more content…

For centuries, people have been measured by how smart they are based on tests. From preschool to college graduation, students have their success measured through standardized tests; Tests that are meant to measure their intelligence. This may imply that our society values IQ over work ethic, but with enough determination a less intelligent student could still potentially be just as successful in life if not in school. There are many advantages to both having a higher IQ and being a hard worker, but with hard work and dedication a person can be just as successful as an intelligent person, whereas an intelligent person will often get nowhere without some degree of hard work.
In our society, IQ testing is a misconstrued term. Ordinarily it is linked to how smart a person is based on their mental capacity or the size of their brain. The misconception of IQ has stressed an importance on one's ability to score high on an intelligence test, when statistics have shown that it does not measure intelligence at all it only

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