Argumentative Essay: Everyone Should Be An Organ Donor

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Most departed organ donors are brain dead. They have suffered complete and irreversible leaving of all brain function and are clinically and legally dead. Mechanical external respiration and medication keeps their heart beating and blood flowing to their organs. Even though there are risks of performing surgery; the person receiving the organ could pull through, and survive. Everyone should consider organ donation throughout their lives. More than 120,000 are on the waiting list in the U.S right now for organ donations. There are more people on the waiting list than donators. The method our government uses and goes by which practically states you have to sign up to donate when you die is why people on the lists never get organs. We should go by another method where when you die; your organs get donated unless there is a spoken complaint.
Everyone should be an organ donator, unless there is signed consent saying otherwise. One organ donator can save up to eight lives. The same giver can also save or improve …show more content…

The method that our nation takes part in is the method which obliges one to expressly vow as an organ giver or with assent from the relative when one passes. The opt-out method is a method which assumes one has adequately given their agreement to be an organ contributor upon their demise, unless there is a spoken complaint. Many agree with the method we use right now because people who want to donate can sign up, and those who want nothing to do with it and don’t care either way don’t have to deal with the hassle. If the nation transformed to the opt-out method, those who want to donate don’t have to worry about all the paperwork, and those who strongly are against it, can decide not to. But most of the population won’t because they don’t want the hassle of all the paperwork and that’s our problem now; no one wants to deal with signing up. Therefore, we have people dying

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