Argumentative Essay About Immigration

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An important question asked today is who is impacted by immigration? Everyone is, this topic does not only affect Americans, but also Europe, Asia and many other important nations, this hits on a macro level with political interactions influencing all of the nations. One important way that immigration impacts America is by the cost. In 2016 there are 11 million undocumented immigrants, 90% of deportations are men, leaving many women behind to be single parent homes to provide for the family, there is an average of 5 billion dollars being spent on deportation yearly. How is this possible? It costs an average of 10,000 dollars to deport each individual beginning with the detaining process, court processing and the final part of transporting the …show more content…

Many may claim that they have the answer, but it is not that simple. Building a wall around our borders will cost more Americans in taxes than it is to deport illegal immigrants, this action is not cost effective. Some would agree to say to leave the situation alone and let them illegal immigrants come to America, however this would still cost Americans in the amount paying in living cost, education and health insurance. We may not know the answer now, however one place to start is to update the Nationality Act of 1965. As of February 2, 2005 George W. Bush said “America’s immigration system is outdated, unsuited to the needs of our economy and to the values of our country. We should not be content with laws that punish hard-working people and deny businesses willing workers and invite chaos at our border.” This was stated eleven years ago, it is now time for us to create solutions. Once solution is how Mayor of New York city Bill de blasio is taking action to help undocumented immigrants get legal rights, the mayor proposed a 7.9 million dollar project that will help assists illegal immigrants with citizenship process and work permits. Silva, Cristina. "Immigration Reform New NYC Program Helps Undocumented Immigrants Avoid Deportation, Obtain Work Permits." N.p., 15 Dec. 2015. Web. 6 Feb.

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