Argumentative Essay About College

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Marsheley Souverin Ms.Milliner EES21QH-05 September. 26th, 2016 College. The First thing that I think of when I hear the word “College” is partying, or having fun with friends, or even freedom. But that’s not always the case. As a high schooler, there are so many things I don’t know about college. However, after doing my research, there are so many things that helped me understand the concept behind college and everyone’s opinion on it. Some had negative responses while others had positives. I had the glorious opportunity of interviewing both of my sisters about their college experiences. Both of them went to college. However, one went away and one commuted. My oldest sister, Robins, graduated from Canarsie High School in 2009. She got …show more content…

I give props to both of my sisters for going to college because it’s a hard thing to do. Tyler Cowen wrote an article for The New York Times called “Graduates’ Pay Is Slipping, but Still outpaces Others”. In this article, Cowen states really Valid Points. He starts the article by stating how people’s earnings have decreased. According to the article, “Even a cashier with a college degree makes more than a cashier without a college degree.” In other words, although some people may have degrees, as the years go by it seems that they’re becoming more and more worthless. A person with no Degree can have the same job as someone with a Degree. I find this statement to be true in most cases. I can use my sisters as an example. One has a degree and one doesn’t. However, they both had the same job which was working at a dermatology office. Honestly, Degrees are starting to become pointless because you can have a bachelor’s or master’s and still struggle to find a place to work, especially if it’s in your field. However, I don’t think this should stop someone from getting a degree. College is very important and it can get you places. I plan to go to college to not only learn more about my field (Social Work), but to gain things that’ll help me in my future. Things such as public speaking, and independence. I want to graduate college feeling confident and being able to think that I can do anything. When I start college, I want to step out of my comfort zone. Do things i’ve never done before. Meet different types of people that i’m not used to being associated with. I am excited for college and I hope that it’ll be the best years of my

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