Argument Against Individualism: Discouraging The Pursuit Of Happiness

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If this carelessness continues to proliferate, it will ultimately lead humanity to a negative outcome. Living a life of constant struggle and dissatisfaction will decrease happiness in the world. Achieving goals will never be enough, and people will end up being hollow and alone. Thus, under utilitarian grounds, we would be better off discouraging the pursuit of individualistic ideals.
By endorsing egoistic ideals, we are creating an army of self-absorbed narcissists with a swollen sense of entitlement. People will continue to become more and more disconnected to their neighbor, thereby caring less and less about others. This will bad for humanity ultimately making the world an unhappy place for everyone. Thus, under utilitarian grounds, we would be better off discouraging the pursuit of individualistic ideals since they will end up destroying themselves. Another argument against individualism is that mistreating others for for personal gain is wrong and undignifies human value. People are much more than stepping stones to a career goal. People are ends in themselves and ought to be treated and respected as such. It is morally wrong to …show more content…

In fact, we ought to continue encouraging everyone to strive for their goals and dreams as we always have. Egoism is the solution to the problem. By focusing on themselves, millennials are doing what is right and preserving others’ opportunity to do the same. “Moving up the ladder” of success is not a bad thing. The people striving for such triumphs are not to be blamed for the misfortunes of others. Everyone can succeed and thus, individualism should not be avoided but encouraged. It is the best way to ensure everyone achieves their greatest potential. The greatest human achievements, discoveries, contributions, and legacies have been built when a person’s individuality is allowed to flourish. We must not limit the individual’s potential for

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