Argument Against Bag Tax

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This nation is facing a crisis. Our populace is split, mostly along political party lines, between those that want to help the environment however possible for the betterment of the earth for future generations; alternativly, there are those who refuse to acknowledge the fact that the earth is in serious trouble due to human actions. The bag tax would help the enviorment dramatically by keeping an excessive amount of non-biodegradable plastic out of landfills, and thus making the world an overall cleaner place, which is something every person should want, no matter the political party. The bag tax would be a good way to help the environment: It would not bring too big or controversial a change to the nation, and therefore would be more accepted by the populace as a whole. Under the Obama administration, a great effort was made to fight climate change; however, this resulted in a vast number of angry constituants, who felt that the environment should not be placed higher on the Presidant’s agenda than American jobs. Alternativly, the bag tax would not be likely to cause as much of an uproar, as it does less to aid the fight against climate change, while still doing enough to make a difference. …show more content…

There is a very simple solution to implementing the tax without causing more work: scan the bag like a regular item. Tax is already accounted for in other items, this would simply work on the same method in the computer as it is scanned. The lower class would not be burdened because the tax only comes into effect if you buy a plastic bag. Paper bags and reusable shopping bags will still be an option, both of which are better for the environment, thus making the tax all the more

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