Are Women Too Dependent On Maids?

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As a child, I was often looked after a nanny because of my mother’s office workload. However, after a couple of years, I noticed that my mother quit her job to look after her two children. Initially, I thought it was because of work pressure. Growing up, I realized the real reason my mother quit her job. It was not because of work pressure, it was mainly because she did not want her children to be influenced by our nanny’s cultural background. In the same way, many children are being raised by maids or nannies that have a different cultural background from their employers. Since most parents in the UAE belong to the working class, they do not have the time to look after their children. Thus, they are forced to hire maids to look after their young children. Today, a lot of Emarati women are career oriented and hence, prefer to work outside home rather than looking after their household. This in turn creates a high dependency on maids to look after these Emarati children. The high occurrence of Emarati children being looked after non-Arab maids is a matter of grave concern as it influences the social and traditional values of these children.

Women in GCC countries have come a long way in society by establishing themselves in this urban society. At times, it is impossible for these women to manage their household duties. Sometimes, women are forced to work because their male counterparts do not earn sufficient incomes to make end meet. A lot of working mothers, thus, face the difficulties of looking after their young ones. However, most working class women prefer not to work at home because being a homemaker is a herculean task that requires a lot of skill and patience. Since women feel incapable of looking after their children,...

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...iders. This can pose as a serious problem as these children grow up to be dependent adults. I think that mothers should look after their young children. Since most of the development of a child’s mind happens during the earlier years of its life, mothers should not be replaced by maids or nannies during the initial years of the child’s life. Another alternative for working mothers would be that they should compensate for the lost moments by spending more time with her child after work. This way the mother can help in the preservation of the Emarati culture and society. Although values are constantly changing, there are some customs and traditions that have to be preserved. I believe that even the younger generation should play their part in understanding the importance of protecting their traditions so that they are not eradicated for future generations to follow.

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