Are People's Spiritual Assets Or Toxic Waste?

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Every morning before I get out of bed I either read a daily devotion and/or pray. Today's devotion was on toxic relationships. The relationships we have the people can either be spiritual assets or toxic waste. This devotion made me analyze the relationships that I have in my life. Are the people spiritual assets or toxic waste? A lot of times it's more than toxic people, it's toxic things. Well, whatever "it" is that is toxic God wants us to cut the relationship off. Those toxic things or people take our attention away from Him.When we become born, God wants us to cut ties with anything or anyone that will take our attention away from Him. God wants our undivided attention. The toxic people or things in our lives that have our attention are like little gods that we put before our (only) God. God despises that! He said is His word that He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5) & one of His commandments is that we shall have no other Gods before Him (Exodus 20:3). …show more content…

God told him to leave them and o go to t a new place which He would tell him in due time. Well Abraham didn't completely follow God's instructions. In Genesis 12:14 the scripture tells us that Abraham has some company other than his wife, his nephew Lot was with him. Abraham has some extra baggage. From Genesis 12 to Genesis 19 you will see all that happened to Abraham because he decided to bring Lot. Some of us are like Abraham. God will tell us to leave (cut off) certain people or things, but we do the opposite. I know I did. We want our cake & to eat it too. Well we can't serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). I think Abraham might have it a little easier is he fully obeyed God & left

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