Are Men or Women More Fortunate?

842 Words2 Pages

Who is more Fortunate?

Are men or women more fortunate? Physically, men may be more fortunate; for men do not give birth, do not have to deal with periods and menopause, and do not spend a long time getting prepared each morning. But what is the answer if we just look at the temperament? In relationships, men are surely less fortunate than women: men often must take risks for the relationship; women can concentrate on more then one activity at a time; and most women are able to express their emotions more freely.

Traditionally men risk more to impress or get a woman that they like but, the risks can be worth it. Firstly, when a male likes a female he is expected to make the first move. That move may be to initiate a conversation or to ask for her number. This is a risk for the male because he may suffer the embarrassment of rejection. Secondly, men are the ones expected to ask their female companion out on a date and even to pay for the activity, although, now the latter example is starting to change. Thirdly, the male is the one who gets on one knee to propose marriage to his woman. Women nowadays like to hint to the male about getting married but men are still expected to actually do the action. Men go out on a limb and purchase the ring, in most cases without knowing what result may come. If he gets rejected, he suffers the pain of rejection as well as some embarrassment when the ring must be returned. This i...

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